A downloadable game for Windows

What ?! Genetic algorithm and machines ??  What are those machines trying to do ?!
In the year 2194, after robots helped us cure from COVID-19. We are helping them... learning ! You are a simulation supervisor and your goal is to help machines learn. Watch them try to avoid your obstacles and reach the time portal (yes we also invented time travel but it's not really important)


Download binary for windows 10 :
  1. Download the zip file 
  2. Unzip it, you should get an executable and a resource folder
  3. Keep them in the same folder or it won't work !
  4. Launch the executable!

Clone the repository on GitHub (recommended):
  1. Clone this repository
  2. You need python 3 and pygame
  3. launch main.py


  1. Press SPACE (or admire the cute robot you got in front of you)
  2. Configuration mode : Configure the Simulation
    1. Choose the population size (number of androids) and the mutation chance (what percentage of the population will mutate in the next generation. See below if you are not sure or leave it as it is) 
    2. Press ENTER when you are done to enter the Simulation mode
  3. Press ENTER when you are done to enter the Simulation mode
  4. Simulation mode : You can see your androids trying to enter a portal 
    1. Press to reset the Simulation and the portals
    2. Press to place obstacles on the screen
    3. Press CTRL to toggle between Simulation mode and Inspection mode
    4. CLICK on the + or - button to increase or decrease the speed.
  5. Inspection mode : inspect what is going on
    1. CLICK on androids to have information on them
  6. Have Fun !


The population size is how many androids you have. Generally, the more there is the better but it can lead to performance issues for a little improvement on the genetic algorithm's convergence speed .

The mutation chance (MC) is really important but it must be a small value inversely proportional to your population size. If your MC is too big you might mutate a good gene :( but if your MC is too small it'll take your lifespan to see any improvement :'(

If you are not sure what to do just experiment with different values


It is my first code jam ever. I didn't have too much time and changed my code a lot but i also learnt a lot while doing this code jam.

started with some moving rectangles

implemented a random decision tree and interaction with environment

even if it was pleasing to see when i started to implement the genetic algorithm it was way too complicate and i started meeting some performance issues


Messy. I used Python and Pygame. The inputBox class is a modified version of one found on StackExchange. Otherwise, the rest is all me. 

ALL the code were written during the code jam !


The sprite were made by me on Paint nothing fancy.

The music is free of use from the Free Music Archive see here for more information.



WTLPD.zip 89 MB

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